

12-20 17:40:50  浏览次数:819次  栏目:小学一年级英语教案


Step1 warming up

1、  Let`s greet(让学生先用英文名字进行简单的问候,可以帮助学生具有英语语感,使学生自然进入英语学习的状态。)

2、  Sing a song(课前齐唱一首与教学内容相关的歌曲,既调节情绪,使学生进入角色,又对新授的知识做了铺垫)

Step2 Revision

Play a game.Let the students toucn the objects and guess

What`s this?


Step3 Presentation

T:Look at the picture.He is tom.He is a boy.Let boy stand up and say:"Iam a boy."

 Iam tom.Write them on the blackboard


Step4 Listen and read

Let the students listen to the tape and read after it.


Step5 Practice

Let the students work in groups and act.

Step6 Play a game

Let the student cover his eyes and toucn

Ask:Are you a girl?Yes.

Are you Ann? No.

Let them play a game in groups.


Step7 Comment

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