《Growing Up》-5人英语小品剧本大全系列

《Growing Up》-5人英语小品剧本大全系列

12-20 17:25:53  浏览次数:323次  栏目:英语小品剧本

Rick: Just a little and nobody can find it.
Boss B: And there is not neat and tidy. And…
Rick: You are a hardhead!
Boss B: You say what!!? Y…you get out of here!!
Rick: What!?


Rick thinks a lot. He looks very worried.

Rick: All work is the same, boring and terrible. What can I do…
How about to start a business by myself!



Rick plays the harmonica. The performance is great, but nobody stops their steps to watch the performance. Suddenly, one man throws something in the bowl which is in front of Rick.

www.nx899.com Rick: (very happy) Great!! This is my first payment… What!? It’s garbage!! Oh my god…


The alarm clock is ringing; Rick and Jack get up.

Jack: Good morning, Rick!

Rick goes to check his wallet as soon as he gets up.

Jack: Hey! Why you are so nervous?

The wallet is still in Rick’s pants.

Rick: Thanks god! I dreamed of a terrible dream.

Rick tells Jack about his dream.

Jack: A lot of work, an picky boss, and the garbage instead of the reward. It’s really terrible.
Rick: Yeah…But therefore, I understand how hard it is to make money. I won’t waste money any more.

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,《Growing Up》-5人英语小品剧本大全系列

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