my room作文100字

my room作文100字

12-20 17:23:10  浏览次数:816次  栏目:英语作文

  The Mr.He,s living room is very large.There is a sofa in the room.The sofa is near the telephone.There is a television on the cupboard.There is a table in the middle of the room.

  There is some bread on the table.There are two mobiles on the table too.The mobiles are black and blue.There is a photo in the room.The photo is on the wall.

  There is a fridge in the room.It is white.It is near the board.There are flowers on the fridge.The flowers are colourful.There are some cups on the board.There is a clock in the room.

  The clock is on the wall.It is brown.My living room is beautiful.I love my room!

,my room作文100字

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