《Marvel漫画动作游戏包》硬盘版 下载


  • 名称:《Marvel漫画动作游戏包》硬盘版 下载
  • 类型:其他单机游戏
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:06-21 20:18:50
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:741
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:42.0 MB
  • 推荐度:3 星级

标签:大型单机游戏,大型游戏下载,大游戏下载, 本站提供《Marvel漫画动作游戏包》硬盘版免费下载,http://www.nx899.com


中文名称:Marvel Action Pack





Suit up and get ready to show you've got what it takes to make it among the pantheon of superheroes. Marvel Action Pack! combines 10 arcade-style games featuring favorite superheroes from the Marvel universe. Put yourself to the test and prove your skills in superhero-style action that comes alive on screen to thrilling effect.

Marvel Action Pack! lets you demonstrate your skills alongside the superheroes. Claw your way to the top in Wolverine MRD and Wolverine Search Destroy. Make the Hulk green with envy of your skills in Hulk Vs.,Hulk Bad Altitude and Hulk Central Smashdown! Grab your shield to help Captain America defend his city in Captain America Red Skull and Crossbones. Suit up with Tony Stark in Iron Man Armored Popper, Iron Man Flight Test, Iron Man Armory Assault and Iron Man light Test 2.0.

Demonstrate your skills in 10 arcade-style casual games featuring favorite Marvel superheroes Sink your claws into the fun of Wolverine MRD and Wolverine Search Destroy Go green in Hulk Vs., Hulk Bad Altitude and Hulk Central Smashdown!

Help Captain America defend his city in Captain America Red Skull and Crossbones Suit up with Tony Stark in Iron Man Armored Popper, Iron Man Flight Test, Iron Man Armory Assault and Iron Man Flight Test 2.0.




,大小:42.0 MB


tag: 其他单机游戏,大型单机游戏,大型游戏下载,大游戏下载,大型单机游戏下载 - 其他单机游戏

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