Water talk教学设计3

Water talk教学设计3

12-20 17:40:50  浏览次数:498次  栏目:八年级英语教案


    一、章节分析 (Section Analysis )
    (一)  综述
    本课的听力部分要求学生根据所听到的短文将图片重新排序。                                                本部分是对学生进行听力方面的训练,让学生学会根据所听到的关键词或句来选择相应的图片,从而排列成正确的顺序。
    mint     n.   造币厂              
    shiny   adj.    发光的,闪光的
    cashier   n.   出纳员     
    roll     v.     滚动
    stall     n.   摊位
    2. 以自己的话复述故事
    二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)
    建议通过复述课文water's journey为本课内容a coin's journey作好铺垫
    My journey(a coin's journey)
    I am a one-yuan coin. I was born in a mint. At that time I was lovely and shiny. People put me in a bag and took me to a bank. I sat in the bag for a few days. Then I was given to a customer who needed some coins for his cake shop by a cashier. The man gave me to a woman who ws buying some cakes as part of her change. Later the woman dropped her purse on the ground and I rolled away. She didn't find me. So I stayed on the road for a long time until an old man found me. I got very dirty. He used me to buy some food at your mother's food stall. She gave me to you as pocket money. Then you washed me to make me clean again. I felt very happy and I decided to tell you my story.


,Water talk教学设计3

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